Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tip Tuesday - Magic Wand Tool

Okay - sorry about yesterday's missing post. I was on my way home from dropping off the kids and made a detour that changed my whole day. Luckily, it was a good detour as I netted a contract job - that started immediately! So that brings us to Tuesday - which is Tip Tuesday here on the blog. So here it goes...

To select similar colors throughout the image with the Magic Want tool (as opposed to being restricted to those similar pixels that are touching) uncheck the "Contiguous" option in the Options bar.

Also, while using the Magic Wand tool, tapping the return/enter key will automatically highlight the Tolerance option for the tool in the Options bar and allow you to enter a numeric value.

Both big time savers!

Since I'm missing that everyday post goal, I'm changing my sign off from "See you tomorrow," to...

More to come soon,

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