This post is coming out of left field for most of you that know me, but I wanted to do something different today since it's 9-11. Something that might matter.
Then I got this email:
Now, I had heard of the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation before and even thought about joining, but today it just seemed right...Dear Chris,
I think that this is probably the most difficult introduction that I’ve ever written. I have so much to say, yet I can’t seem to begin.
So, I’ll begin this way. Heroes walk among us every day. Some you’ll readily recognize: those in the Armed Forces (or who have served), firefighters, police officers. However, there are also heroes who make a profound and lasting difference, but do so quietly. These are the invisible heroes, and they are everywhere—especially in the photographic industry.
Bravery comes in many forms. I’m in constant awe of not only those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others, but also those who willingly open their hearts to others, even when the circumstances cause their own hearts to break while they are helping.
In the midst of mourning, a group of heroes emerges to give families lasting images of their children who will never grow older. They are the photographers who volunteer for the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation. This week’s Vital Signs shares information about what they do—and how you can get involved.
These photographers are my heroes.
Have a great weekend everyone.
See you on Monday,
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