Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tip Tuesday - Drag and Drop to the Center

OK - a peek in here long enough for my Tip Tuesday segment...

Holding the Shift key while dragging and dropping a layer between two documents will place the “dropped” layer into the center of the destination document. If there is a selection in the destination document, holding the Shift key while dragging and dropping an image will drop it into the center of the selection.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Quick Update

Incredibly busy week (with Travel) this week. My appearance here may be spotty, but I'll check in next week and tell you all that's gone on!

More to come soon!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

Hey gang -

Short and sweet today as I have heard a rumor that a friend of mine, David Ziser, is in the great state of North Carolina today, and I'm going to go hunt him down!

Tell you all about it tomorrow!

More to come soon,